In theaters starting today is a movie called "FireProof". This movie is so very crucial in the fight for marriages that are falling apart. I've seen the movie and it brought me to tears. Kurt Cameron stars as a firefighter who's a hero to everyone except for his wife. As he's about to give up and walk away, his father challenges him to "The Love Dare". It's a 40-day challenge to love your spouse. A challenge a day, of a new way to show your spouse true love, in a journal format!
My employer publishes this book -- but that's not why I'm talking about this book. I'm talking about it because of the tremendous impact this book/movie can have on the state of our marriages. We have already printed 500,000 copies and have to go back to reprint because of the high demand. People across the country and the world (Spanish edition will be available in Nov.) have been clamoring for this book. We've received emails from so many sources, requesting praying for their marriages as they try this last time to save what has gone bad.
Let's stand up! I challenge everybody, even if you think that your marriage is good, to take this challenge. Our families is where the devil is attacking right now, let's not give him a stronghold!
I really want to go see it. Maybe we'll go while Kelly has the kids this week.
I've been wanting to see that movie since I heard about the book on WAVA (Christian station) a while back..can't afford to go to the movies until my business gets off the ground though...I did see Kirk do an interview on NBC about the movie-that was great! I love it when a Christian gets to be on secular TV where everyone can hear!
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