I have much more to say on this matter, and I will as time allows. I personally think that picking Sarah Palin as his running mate is the most brilliant thing that John McCain has ever done. It has made me excited about this election at a time when I wasn't sure that I could bring myself to vote!
I'm so frustrated with the way the media has just proven their double standard. People Magazine (a website I will no longer frequent) has run several stories on Obama and his brilliant career, beautiful family... (I hope you can sense the sarcasm dripping as you read). As far as Republicans are concerned, they have only discussed the pregnancy of a 17-year old girl that is not even running for office. In my next post I will get into more specifics about this nonsense, but for now I'd like to encourage Sarah with some brilliant words from a brilliant woman...

“I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”
Margaret Thatcher (pictured here with another brilliant politician)
VINDICATION: After I wrote this article I went to foxnews.com and check out the article I found... I'm ahead of the curve people!!
You go girl! I'm so happy to hear someone else has something to say about how there is nothing negative reported about Obama (we call it dancing around the black issue)But it's ok to torture 17 year old in the media!
HEAR HEAR. I think I LOVE this woman. I think liberals are jealous. They can't manage to have kids unless the state provides state run day care. She runs the largest state in the Union without hiring a babysitter. The senate has the lowest approval rating EVER--she has the highest approval rating of ANY Governor in the country. AND this woman can run a beautiful large family, take down a moose, take out corruption, AND not gain weight and look great doing all of it!! I for one LOVE that a strong woman who is beautiful enough to show her legs on TV but strong enough to hunt moose is representing the Republican party. YOU GO GIRL!!!
That's right! I think Palin is a real person dealing with real issues with the utmost class!
I don't think Rush Limbaugh did us any favors by calling her a "babe" but he's usually over the top anyway.
I'm excited about this woman on the ticket. I'd be more excited if she was running for president instead of vice president but one step at a time.
The media has been ridiculously biased during this election time. It looks like Matt Drudge has been won over by the selection of Sarah Palin and has been doing a decent job of showing the media bias.
Nice post lauralin. :)
Gov. Palin has solid, conservative values AND a backbone! She'll do fine. I've already received an email from a friend with a list of books that she allegedly banned during her tenure as Mayor. A quick check on Snopes.com set the record straight, which I passed back up the chain. Here's the link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/palin/bannedbooks.asp
If anyone receives these rumors designed to tear Gov. Palin down, don't let them go unanswered!
Here's a quote from a someone who posted at politico.com that deserves wider circulation:
"I thought Gov. Palin did pretty well in her first venture into the world of national media politics. She didn’t remember exactly what the Bush doctrine was but I didn’t either and Charlie was gracious enough to remind us. The most important trait she displayed, however, was a strong moral compass. She extolled a conservative compass, to be sure, but a compass nonetheless. The American people as a whole don’t believe that running the country is rocket science. They don’t think it takes a lawyer or a certain pedigree to make logical decisions on important issues, but a set of core beliefs to guide the process. Americans know the president has access to experts in all fields and it is his/her responsibility to sort information and make judgments. The founding fathers never envisioned our system of professional politicians dominated by special interests. They foresaw a congress of citizen legislators bringing fresh ideas to Washington every two years reflecting the views of their constituents. This is the appeal of Gov. Palin. Rightly or wrongly, she represents a vision of community America where people still know each other and conduct themselves civilly while sorting out the issues of the day." - Frank Bryars (guest), retired teacher, GA
Lauralin,you had asked me about reusing cd's,I have come up with about a dozen ideas,can you email me please?..
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