I got a text message from my sister this morning and it verbalized what I'd been thi
nking since I got up this morning... "I still thank God that you were with me 'when the world stopped turning'".

From the moment I woke up... since my alarm is talk radio, I was reminded of the day 7 years ago when in the midst of chaos, God protected me and those that I love. I'll never forget anything about that day... I remember walking to work thinking "i'm so bored with this day already". My sister remember staring at her newspaper and thinking "what a boring news day". Little did we know what was to come, but what I do know is that God blessed the events of that day in such a way that my sister and I were together. If we hadn't happened to be on the same floor when we were evacuated we could have been on the same block and never known it.
I was supposed to have a chiropractor's appt. that morning downtown by the towers, and since all of you know how I feel about mornings -- I decided to postpone. God cancelled a meeting that my mama was supposed to be at. God miraculously kept my sister-in-law in His loving arms as she experienced tragedy first hand at the foot of the towers --- but that is her story of grace to tell, I'm just thankful she's around to tell it.
I toyed with making the title of this post "Have you Forgotten"... because so many times it's easy to go through life wihout remembering that day... the day where God provided a Christian family to give us a ride home on a day where all the busses and cabs were either full of price-gouging. Some of you may be reading this and thinking about why God didn't protect everyone, or whether I would be as big on God if one of my family members had been taken. I can tell you, that while I pray on a regular basis for the protection of my loved ones, that God is good... ALL the time!! His plan is bigger than us, and his love knows no bounds.... in the words of a man who knew tragedy "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord (Job. 1:21 ESV).
May you all remember HIS goodness as we remember a day that proves man's need for it.
God is gracious. Suffering seems to be one of the few things that opens our eyes to the fact that we're not in charge and God has a much bigger plan then our own little lives. I'm grateful that He saw fit to allow me to suffer enough to draw me closer to Him-and I hope and pray He uses that for His glory until He comes back to get us.
Great post Lauralin. While I was not nearly as traumatized this year as the previous years, I can still honestly say that the lessons I learned stick with me.
I'm glad we all were able to witness the coming together of NYC and America-but remain safe as well. :)
Even so, come Lord Jesus....
nicely said.
I'm reminded of what Jeremiah wrote in the midst of Jerusalem's devastation in Lamentations 3:
"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
"The LORD is my portion," says my soul,
"therefore I will hope in him."
I still get a sinking feeling thinking about that day,I remember exactly what I was doing the moment I got the word.It almost seemed like our country received a wake up call to understand that we all can depend and rely on God and his grace.For the most part,the stories from ground zero of how God seemed to be everywhere,the prayers,the testimonies..Like God had finally come to the forefront of our country where He belongs...
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