Friday, October 31, 2008

I voted and now it's in the Lord's hands!

My hands were trembling, my heart was pleading with my Savior as I stood in that little cubbie they give you to vote in. I knew this one meant something ... this time voting was different. Regardless of the outcome the vote that I cast yesterday is going to mean something. It could mean that my candidate (while granted not my ideal one) and his VP (ideal as they come) could be president, and we are (at least for now) on the right path to protecting some of our most prized rights. It could also mean that my candidate didn't win and that one of the most liberal candidates ever has now become our leader and my vote means that I will have to work that much harder to fight for the things that I believe in and to do my part to protect my beloved country from his menacing plans.

May God bless America and have Mercy on us all!! Regardless of the outcome my God is BIG and greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the World! Cover this election in prayer!


ReUseItNut said...

We recently watched the John Adams series and for the first time,I could truly appreciate our countries history.How it was founded on the principles of God's word and how we came to be such a world power in such a short time.Now that the elections are over,the only thing we can do for our country is pray and pray hard.

Kelly said...

God help us all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading the Gorilla Blog.
I am now a reader of yours and your sisters. On your interests page it said Martial Arts. Are you an MMA fan by chance?