I know that anybody reading this knows how wonderful I think my family is -- but this year they have chosen to come celebrate Christmas in Nashville with me and I am forever honored. *(Unfortunately my brother's family won't be able to make the trek and they shall be missed)*. I am looking forward to having them here and have thoroughly enjoyed decorating them. I figured that with them all coming I should have a tree and as soon as my sister holds up her end of the bargain, the kiddie poos stockings will be hung by the fire with care!
We may have to eat in shifts since I can only seat/serve 4 at a time, but I'm sure that it will be glorious.
May you all have a wonderful Christmas with your family as I drink in a full week with mine giving thanks for them and for having a great God who is BIG enough to send His Son to be born for us but for also caring about the details of having us enjoy our time together.
Ohh, it's beautiful!!
I'm so excited that you get to have the rest of the family there for Christmas. I'm sure it will be glorious, even if everyone eats sitting on the floor!
I'm so glad you posted these pics:) There is nothing whatsoever Charlie Brown about your gorgeous tree! Well done Sisteena, the kiddos will love it and so will everyone else. A labor of love:)
I love the tree! Jenn
I showed the kids the pictures...Rodney IMMEDIATELY said "daddy did it". But Kaity said "ooohhh pretty".
I like how you said you "picked it" That congered up images of you ripping it out of the ground with your bare hands. Very nice tree.
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