Have you ever looked at a tree and sensed its personality? If that makes me sound weird to you, then perhaps you won't be interested in the rest of this post. BUT, if you know exactly what I mean -- then I'd like you to meet my new friend (he hasn't shared his name with me yet). One look at this gorgeous tree and I knew he would talk to me.
One of my dearest friends from childhood recently came to visit me and we made our way to Wave Hill. I confess that I had almost forgotten about this peaceful getaway and had not been since Keri came to NY for my high school graduation (let's just say it was more than a couple of years ago).

This day inspired me to look for other ways to find quiet in the midst of the noise that surrounds my life. I drive in to work every day -- in to Times Square. I work at MTV, where there are TV's playing music anywhere you go. There's very little quiet to be found in my every day life ... to that end I have decided to start working my way through "NY's 50 best places to find peace and quiet". Some of them will have to wait until the summer time as it requires being outside, such as free kayaking on the Hudson, but others can be experienced at any time of year. As I experience each one I shall let you know.
Very interesting insight on finding calm in our lives through God's creation. I love trees too!
A very beautiful new friend :) I highly recommend the trees of Vancouver Island, British Columbia - they taught me about the importance of community and connection one windy day.
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