My purpose is to bring Glory to God and in that worship share the gospel of Christ with the Nations. Never have I been more excited about anything. Never will I be able to go back to ordinary life.
Today I start the challenge that springs from this book. For those of you who know me, my normal approach to things is to go full-speed ahead with a plan without thought to anything else, or without any patience for the process. In doing this I'm trying to change that. I'm going to take the next year to prepare for what God has for me. I believe that to be full-time ministry, but I still don't know what that looks like fleshed-out so I wait. While I wait, I pray and prepare... and that's where this challenge comes in.
The Challenge consists of 5 steps:
1. Pray for the entire world - Matthew 9 "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field". Before he told them to do anything else, Jesus told his disciples to pray, and not just to pray for the needs, but to pray for those who should and will go.
2. Read through the entire Word - Christians around the world either don't have the Bible in their language or sometimes risk their lives to be able to have a Bible. I have a Bible degree, and I must confess to have never read through the whole Bible. That changes this year.
3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose -- the word sacrifice means that this might hurt at times, but our hearts follow our money.
4. Spend your time in another context - If we are to accomplish the global purpose of God, it will not be by primarily giving our money (although this is important if you look to point #3). It will be done through giving of ourselves -- that is what is required by the gospel. Taking the gospel to the nations is not an option or a calling -- it is a command!
5. Commit your life to a multiplying community - this is where the other 4 points converge. We don't do this alone, we stand with other believers who are committed to a Radical faith and to multiplying the gospel by making disciples.
So this is what the next year of my life looks like. I'm scared -- as excited as I am, I know it won't be easy, but JESUS IS WORTH IT! I covet your prayers through this year as I know that the devil will seek to change my plans but greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
:-))) I started reading this book but had to return it to the library. I think it's one I need to buy. I'll be praying for you!!!
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