If you see me soon you might wonder whether it's a tomato you're seeing or wh

ether it's me. I took a couple of days vacation and spent them at a local spa. The first day I had a wonderful seaweed wrap and then decided to spend some time by the pool. Sunblock? I don't need sunblock, I'm not going to be out that long and it's not really that sunny. You can't tell me that my reasoning hasn't crossed your mind in the past. Well, imagine my chagrin when several hours later I realized that I began to resemble this picture here. I had to cancel my massage and facial for the second day b/c anything touching my skin made me cringe... so I spent the rest of my spa vacation huddled up under and umbrella reading my book and trying desperately not to move so as to not cry out in pain. At least I can say that I came back from my two days off relaxed, even if I will turn wrinkled soon and perhaps even contract skin cancer.
So -- a warning to all of your. Wear sunblock.
Of course, since I never get any comments posted I'm never sure if anyone's reading this and my warning could be lost in cyberspace.
You DIDN'T wear sunscreen!? Yea, I 've done that before. I learned about "not very sunny" the first summer that I was nannying.
Speedy Recovery Darling!
...since I already have a natural tan, I can skip the sunblock--and the sun!
Darling, do not stop posting on political issues. I believe God has given you a special insight and passion in the political arena. For instance, I would like to hear what you have to say, if anything, about the NY Times debacle.
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