I know what you're thinking... what does a cartoon have to do with the political rantings of this conservative pundit? Well, as I sat down to enjoy the cartoon I wasn't thinking that it would have a political agenda that I would have to stomach for 98 minutes. Luckily I paid the matinee price so I only supported them with $6.50 and not the usual $9.
Ok, so most people that know me say that I think things through too much and find messages in movies that aren't really there or that others haven't seen. Here is the most obvious political agenda that I noted: the evil humans that are fishing and therefore taking away the livelihood of the poor, helpless penguins who really just want to eat fish and find their "heart song" so that they can find their true love. The more subtle jabs that were taken were aimed at Christians who blindly follow their faith without questioning it and proponents of immigration reform because it was; after all, the Spanish (documentation questionable) penguins that helped Happy Feet stand strong against the crowd and make a difference.
Well, now you can make a fully informed decision about whether or not you want to see this movie. Some of you might think that it looks cute enough and you'll just ignore the agenda... I should also note that it's not really that funny or well written.
Might I suggest reading a good book instead? :)
Ok - so here's the following disclaimer. I'm not saying that perhaps our fishing methods in the regions of the penguins can't be more careful so as to ensure that there's no littering, etc. But SERIOUSLY -- I don't need to be tricked into seeing a movie that makes this point. Make a documentary and call it -- "Sad Penguins Miss Their Fish".
You are so funny:) We are a great pair because I over-analyze movies too. Enjoyed the post.
Maybe we don't over-analyze, perhaps we're just not duped into buying anything thrown at us. :)
Happy Feet hasn't touched down, "down under " as yet, the previews look really great..I am a thinker also... I think it is great you analyse..I am one who analyses also.However,I plan to see this movie when it hits here in Oz.. My reasons it does look cute... and the music sounds great..maybe I will be dissappointed and hate it..when I have seen it I'll let you know what I think..:)
Hi, I did get to se Happy feet, in fact I went back for a second time.. I enjoyed it..Basically because It shows to children (and there were many children watching,) that because someone is different they have feelings..My daughter found it really good because she being physically disabled could relate to being not accepted, taunted and made to feel inadiquate...I felt in general it was a feel good movie..and it was an aussie movie...
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