I walked into my second bedroom today I was faced with the image of a half-finished punching bag stand and started berating myself for not just finishing it and setting it all up. Now, in my defense .... it's really complicated and tiresome and it's taken a lot of work just to get the parts together that you see. I stood ther
e for a few minutes and decided to photograph the situation and post it here in hopes that I would wonder whether people would ask me about it and that would encourage me to continue the process and finally get it all put together. I walked out to find my camera and up on my return I was faced with ... the painting that has been sitting on the desk for weeks now unfinished. It seems I have things in my life that I get pretty motivated about and then, once the motivation dies, I leave to sit there as reminders.

All this to say -- I am determined to work on this quality. I want to be someone that completes things. Last night I was reading Philippians 1.6 and praising God for his promise to continue His work in me until completion -- aren't you glad that we dont' have to worry about God's motivation running out and Him moving on to something else?
Just a thought .....
I think sometimes projects avoid me on purpose. You just have to let them be...they;ll come back when they're ready.
Lauralin, You crack me up now as you did ten years ago. I have been trying to get ahold of you for the past few weeks now and every angle has proved as successful as an unoperable punching bag. In my quest to find you I have opened my own blog not really knowing quite at all what it is. Most likely it will sit dormant as the beautiful painting sadly collecting undeserved dust. On that note I, Jaclyn, your old roommate leave you with my... whatever you call it :) in hopes that you will see this comment and have time to respond. Until then you are in my prayers. selah-jaclyn.blogspot.com/
Yeah. It sounds like your schedule is alot busier than mine. How fun for you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
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