For quite some time now I've wanted to review books and I think that "Pearl in the Sand" is the perfect one to start with. The book is the telling of the story of Rahab. We know the basics... she helped the spies hide, the Lord spared her life and blessed her with the distinction of being in his lineage. Within the telling of the lineage it mentions that she was married to one of the leaders of Israel. That is all that the Bible tells us, so this is truly a fictional account of what their lives may have been.
While at times I found I had to make a concerted effort to distinguish between Biblical reality and fictional prose, this book truly brought this story of the Old Testament alive! It makes the wanderings in the wilderness real as it walks you through what their daily life may have been. As I now read through the Old Testament I notice small details about the law because I can now think what that might look like.
This book is a story of redemption. We know that Rahab was a harlot and she ended up married to a leader of Israel. The Lord forgives and redeems for his purpose and for his glory. I love the picture of purity that her marriage brought to her life. Without giving too much of the story away, there was a line that brought tears to my eyes. "She learned purity in her husband's bed". What a beautiful thought when we are surrounded by sexual impurity, to be reminded that God created sex and it is a beautiful, pure thing when it is from Him.
I LOVED this book! Let me know if you have read it and what you think.
Thank you for not giving away too much! I'm only halfway through, but really wanted to read your thoughts. :) Nice review.
I've got it on my list and I was runny out of books to read. Not being a big reader, I need something that grabs my attention right away, it sounds like "Pearl in the Sand" will do just that!!
Just checked the library and they have it. So it's next on my list too. Will let you know what I think.
Like you, I'm not a big fan of Christian fiction. (I do however, enjoy Joel C. Rosenberg's stories).
'Pearl in the Sand' sounds like it would make a great movie.
Ohh, learning background info on Scripture in a fun way. Everyone wins! I'll have to check it out.
from Bethany:
Thanks for the review of this book, your first line actually got my attention. It was nice to hear a positive review from someone, who like me is critical of Christian Romance and taking liberties with OT stories. Can't wait to read it! Does the author have other books?
Lovely review :) I loved this book.
Tessa has another book releasing in May called Harvest of Rubies, surrounding the story of Nehemiah. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm so honored to be your FIRST book review. What a lovely gift. Thank you! I too appreciate the fact that you didn't give any surprises away, but I love the line that you chose to quote.
Many blessings on your new endeavor.
Tessa Afshar
I've been waiting for another good Christian book to come along - looking forward to checking this one out! Thanks for the review!
I am not sure that I am willing to entirely give up my cynicism on Christian fiction...but perhaps I will give this book a try, I do love feeling like I am truly getting to know the women of the Bible. Besides it's not like there is lot of new Non Christian fiction out there I want to read!
I ususally play it 'safe' and stick to the same handful of authors of Christian fiction that I have been reading for years. Thank you for this review, and blog, for a source of potential new reads. Lori Ann
You piqued my curiosity now. I'll check it out.
thank you so much
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