Friday, June 30, 2006

Extra Extra -- Read All About It!

I first started this blog to have a place to vent my frustrations at the politics of our day. I became so frustrated that I found my blood pressure rising if I thought about the topic for very long so I moved away from that kind of writing. I have just been implored to continue commenting and so I shall.... stay tuned for the following stories... Rick Warren (ok, so it won't just be about politics), New York Times and their nonsense, Democrats and their little world, Al Gore (is he serious?), weapons of mass destruction (look at that, they found some), international law guiding our laws (aren't we the super power?), and immigration (no, this doesn't make me racist).... and so many more. If you're interested in a topic, let me know and I will do the research and give my opinion because you'd be hard-pressed to find a topic that I don't have a strong opinion about. :)

Seriously people, one of my frustrations is the apathy and ignorance of the American voter (or non-voter). More so than the average American, how can the church not be intimately involved in politics -- do you really believe that if we ignore the things that are going on around us it won't come back to haunt us? We have freedoms that are slowly being taken away from us because we're too afraid to fight or to be labeled a "born-again", "right-winged", "conservative" (horrors) or anything else the ACLU (don't get me started on them) wants to call us in order to advance their cause. Do your beliefs really mean that little to you that you can't defend them? Remember, not everything we believe or do is going to be popular -- John 15:19 states "I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you." Stand strong knowing that greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world.

1 comment:

Strummer said...

I believe that there is a direct correlation between the ignorant American voter and the ignorant American church-goer.

Christianity has become a consumer item--something to improve "my life," rather than a commitment to Christ, regardless of the cost. It's been said that the modern church is a mile wide, but only an inch deep. We don't know what or why we believe, we don't know the Scriptures, and even worse, we don't care to know the Scriptures. We don't want to hear about sin, righteousness and judgment; we just want to know how to live our best life now (no disrespect to Joel Osteen), just as long as it isn't inconvenient or does not require too much of us.

The character of the God-fearing men and women that founded this nation contributed to the collective God-fearing character of our nation. We understood that our God-given freedom required our participation in civic affairs as we lived out the Christian life. Unfortunately, we now view our freedom more as an entitlement, leaving up to "someone else" to maintain it. What is even more unfortunate is that we take the same approach to Christian living, leaving up to church leaders to obey God, live right and bring us a good word once a week.

We as Christians need get back to basics and remember "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" and to "love your neighbor as yourself." We need to turn off Oprah, go back to the Word for guidance and remember that obeying God and living right is required of all of us.