Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Wrong Question...

I assume that they're speaking to our right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", but what baffled me was the emphasis on the last one.  

I'm a bit more concerned with what's being done to protect my right to life ... not just mine, but all life - this includes babies and/or other people who society might not think worthy of life.  

I'm also quite concerned with my right to liberty!  At the rate our country is going we're looking to give away our liberties pretty quickly.  Freedom isn't Free -- and yet we're so willing to hand it over at the first sight of discomfort.  

Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that a question like that even needs to be asked .... happiness is a result of life and liberty and should never be a stand-alone right to be focused on.


1 comment:

Kelly said...

and seriously if I am not capable of pursuing my own happiness does it really fall down on someone else to make sure that that is being done? It's a right not a mandate. Much like owning a home I don't need the government or anyone else ENSURING that happiness is being pursued I can either do that on my own or live with the consequences!