Saturday, November 07, 2009

Joyousness for today...

I am feeling a theme for my blogs... :-) Keep checking back to see how many different titles I can find to use for this theme.

So here's the back story to today's joy! I worked at my mom's store today and called her at the end of the day, exhausted and sharing some things on my heart -- being the wonderful, caring mama that she is, and always one to take care of me -- she said "go get yourself something nice for dinner on me". Thus began my mission.

I headed to Whole Foods more because that's the direction I started driving. I intended to drive to the A&P but always forget that it's off of Goffle Rd and not Lincoln Ave. (Sorry if you don't live in this area to follow that).

I shall now break down the pieces to this evening's joyous dinner.

I am not a big sushi fan, but I do enjoy California Rolls although I would prefer them without the crab meat ... TA DA -- I have Avocado and Cucumber rolls with brown rice -- the beginning of the meal.

After the delightful appetizer, we continue the meal with a potatoe pancake, zucchini Parmesan latke (google it), and broccoli rabbe with sauteed whole garlic. To top it all off, I am going to use some delicious salad dressing that my sis-in-law Sarah made for me -- thanks darlin.

What am I drinking with all of this deliciousness? Honest Tea... it's my new obsession - honestly!! That's why there are three that you see, "Agave Mate", "Mango Acai White Tea", and "Lori's Lemon Tea". Hope mom doesn't mind that I bought three. I also have another one in the refrigerator that she bought me earlier in the week (did I mention that she takes care of me?).

Now that I've shared my meal with you, I shall share the dessert portion of today's joyousness moment! I haven't decided if I shall eat the two separately or if I shall eat them at the same time.

My family is a big supporter of the frozen fruit industry, I am in favor of any fruit that someone else takes the effort to cut up and freeze. That being said, I've never seen Mango's be a choice before -- in Ecuador we (mostly my mom and our precious maid, Maria) used to have to do all the work of cutting up the mango and freezing them, and now you can buy a bag at Whole Foods -- life is good.

To round out the night I am eagerly anticipating my Coconut Almond Ice Cream bar made with coconut milk. You can't eat too many of these because the coconut milk makes them quite high in fat -- but man are they delicious.

Joyousness for today, brought to you by Whole Foods (and my sweet mama)!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, coconut fat does not make you fat. It's really good for you. Eat the whole box. ;)

Looks like a yummy dinner. Glad you're enjoying the sauce. Ours is gone again. :) It's good stuff. I need to post the recipe on my own blog one of these days.

bookwormlgi said...

ok, if you say so I shall have two :-)

Keri said...

Mmmmm, mouthwatering! If I lived anywhere near a Whole Foods I would have driven there post haste upon reading this! And what a lovely Mama -Sounds like her:)